Recurrent Nasopharyngeal Cancer  

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Berulang Nasopharyngeal Kanker

Standar pengobatan pilihan:

     Dipilih pasien mungkin mundur dengan terapi radiasi dosis moderat-eksternal-balok menggunakan port yang terbatas dan meningkatkan radiasi intracavitary atau interstisial ke situs kekambuhan. [1] [2] [3] [4]

     Dalam sangat pasien tertentu, reseksi bedah lesi yang berulang dapat dipertimbangkan.

     Jika pasien memiliki penyakit metastasis atau kambuh lokal yang tidak lagi bisa menerima terapi pembedahan atau radiasi, kemoterapi harus dipertimbangkan. [5] [6] [7]

Pengobatan opsi melalui evaluasi klinis:

     Uji klinis seperti kemoterapi mengevaluasi dan interferon harus dipertimbangkan. [8]

Lancar Clinical Trials

Periksa percobaan klinis AS dari daftar NCI uji klinis kanker yang sekarang menerima pasien dengan kanker nasofaring berulang. Daftar uji klinis dapat lebih dipersempit oleh lokasi, obat, intervensi, dan kriteria lainnya.

Standard treatment options:

    Selected patients may be retreated with moderate-dose external-beam radiation therapy using limited ports and an intracavitary or interstitial radiation boost to the site of recurrence. [1] [2] [3] [4]

    In highly selected patients, surgical resection of recurrent lesions may be considered.

    If a patient has metastatic disease or local recurrence that is no longer amenable to surgery or radiation therapy, chemotherapy should be considered. [5] [6] [7]

Treatment options under clinical evaluation:

    Clinical trials such as those evaluating chemotherapy and interferon should be considered. [8]

Current Clinical Trials

Check for U.S. clinical trials from NCI's list of cancer clinical trials that are now accepting patients with recurrent nasopharyngeal cancer. The list of clinical trials can be further narrowed by location, drug, intervention, and other criteria.

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